Meet Hannah


My love for photography started in 2019 taking photos of the people I love most in this world. From there, a spark was lit. For my high school senior project I decided to pursue photography and began to form connections that would eventually lead to the start of my business in 2021. Throughout this journey, two things have remained constant- my passion for capturing stories through my lens, and my faith that God has a plan for me and my business. 

a few
of my favorite things...

in my headphones

noah kahan & zach bryan

my happy place

my childhood home

my comfort show

gilmore girls

favorite vacay spot

the oregon coast

go - to drink order

pink lemonade

you won't find me without

my golf clubs

The inspiration behind my work

Life is fast paced, and with constantly moving from place to place I noticed how great it was to take a moment for a breath. I realized how much of a need there was to slow down and truly cherish the time you spend connecting with others. 

I want to capture you taking in the scenery or holding hands with your love. I want to go on new adventures with you and those closest to you. I want to do anything that shows what makes you, YOU!

After all, there is no one else like you and I believe capturing you authentically is the most important job. 

You deserve photos that take your breath away. That make you retreat back to the time you slowed down. That give you something to smile about on a good or a bad day. 

There is no one in front of a lens that feels perfect, but that's the point. A life full of love is never dull. Through these photographs, I hope to share love, laughs, and kindness for many years to come.